Monday, September 15, 2008

New Camera Help

Our camera appears to be on it's last leg, and it's time for a new one.
Any suggestions? We want one that's good quality, takes good pictures (duh), and is nice and compact.


Aubrey said...

Hey cousin Ryan... it's your cousin Aubrey. I got your blog address from Amy and Troy's blog.

I would recommend anything made by Cannon. I've had mine for about 2 years and I absolutely love it. The picture quality is awesome, and they have tons of different price ranges, etc. for whatever you need to use it for. Good luck!

Candice said...

Yeah! I would agree with getting either a cannon or a nikon! I have a nikon coolpix I love it!

Ambo said...

Ok, here is the comment you have all been waiting for.... I don't know! I would wait til Christmas time and buy whatever is on a good sale. Anything is better than what you have now!
You want high megapixals and good zoom.
good luck!
(I really didn't mean what I said about you commenting on my blog :))

amy g said...

We have the sony cybershot. It's copact, just as good as cannon or nikon and very user friendly. I don't know, just go to best buy and see what they have on sale.