Saturday, July 25, 2009

Barrett Life

My little Jack is 12 weeks old!! Crazy! Where has the summer gone? We've been pretty busy the last 2 weeks with going to the cabin and running the Tin Cup Challenge, my sister having her baby, our 6 year anniversary, Ryan finishing up a wicked semester of advanced pathophysiology and me getting ready to go back to work. Tomorrow is my first day back, is it possible to forget how to be a nurse? Let's just pray for no codes until I brush up on my skills:)

Seriously, he's so funny.

Ryan and I ran the Tin Cup Challenge in Driggs, Id. Ryan did the half marathon, and I only did the 10K. I'm quite disappointed in myself for not being ready for a half marathon, but what the **** I just had a baby, right? I know, excuses excuses, I'll do it next year.

This was our first attempt at a family photo with all 4 of us in it. Of course we couldn't get both Jack and Maddy to look at the camera, Jack would rather stare at the ground and drool (i'm serious). Ryan would be embarrassed if I didn't mention why we are wearing twinner shirts, they are the shirts they gave us from the race and if Jack was behaving you could see that he has on a matching onesie too.

This is my cute sister Amber with her knew baby Tucker! He's so cute, we love him!

Peace Out!!


Murray Family said...

Oh, Jack is so DARLING! What a cutie pie! Yay for Amber's new baby!

Ambo said...

Yikes, no pictures of me on your blog sis!
I thought for sure I would be horrible going back to work, but it's like riding a bike. Good Luck!!

Sam Barrett said...

Whatev Ame, you rocked the 10K!!! That was a fun trip, we should make it an annual Barrett tradition, starting....NOW.

(and if youre wondering if I just said "whatev," I totally did.)

Sam Barrett said...

Oh and this is amy....not sam. I didn't realize I was logged into his gmail account!

Davis Valley Classic said...

Yeah Amy, you're a pretty big wuss for only doing a 10K. I run that like every day, ;) That's awesome, congrats! And I can't believe Jack is 12 weeks already! How is he sleeping? How was your first day back at work? Basically I need to come by and we can visit.

weston'smommy said...

Can I just say how stinking cute your little man is. SO cute! You look amazing I wish I looked like that and my baby is 4 months old. Oh well. Tucker is a cutie too.